Soulful Travel Blog
(3) Journalistic Activity
(3) Journalistic Activity Are you a journalist and want to travel to Cuba? You can legally travel to Cuba under (3) Journalistic Activity as long as you are at least one of the following: Regularly employed as a journalist by a news reporting organization; Regularly employed as supporting broadcast or technical personnel; […]
(8) Support for the Cuban People
(8) Support for the Cuban People This is the preferred category under which Soulful Traveling brings US citizens to Cuba. This legal category provides direct support for Cubans and we feel it contributes most to directly improve the lives of Cubans. The activities are of: Recognized human rights organizations; Independent organizations designed to promote […]
(2) Official Business of the U.S. Government, Foreign Governments, and Certain Intergovernmental Organizations
(2) Official business of the U.S. government, foreign governments, and certain intergovernmental organizations This category for legal travel to Cuba is for individuals who travel to Cuba and oversee transactions with or in Cuba. Persons who are employees, contractors, or grantees of the United States Government, any foreign government, or any intergovernmental organization of […]
Cuba in a Cup: Strong, Sweet, Unforgettable
Cuba in a Cup: Strong, Sweet, Unforgettable I’m not a coffee drinker. I’ve never liked coffee, although I have always loved the smell of it, especially brewing outside over a campfire. I always thought the taste to be bitter and rather disgusting. Until I tried Cuban coffee. It is so smooth! Of course, the heaping […]
As a US Citizen, Can I Travel to Cuba Legally?
As a US citizen, can I travel to Cuba legally? The answer is a resounding YES! While governmental actions on both sides of the waters have created different, and somewhat difficult circumstances for US citizens to travel to Cuba, US citizens can travel to Cuba legally. Required documentation for travel to Cuba is a valid […]
Viñales in Full Color: Tobacco Fields, Caves & Culture
Exploring Viñales, Pinar del Rio, Cuba By classic car, hiking, horseback riding, horse-drawn carriage – choose your mode to wander through the tobacco fields and coffee plantations. This spectacular UNESCO World Heritage Site is located in Pinar del Rio Province of western Cuba. Organic, non-mechanized farming practices follow those of 100 years ago, with double-yoke […]
Why We Travel: Discovering the World, Discovering Ourselves
Why We Travel: Discovering the World, Discovering Ourselves “Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends.” ~ Maya Angelou Through travel with an open mind and receiving heart, […]
Beyond the Destination: How Travel Transforms the Soul
Traveling with mindful intention is the foundation of transformational travel. The Transformational Travel Council defines transformational travel as “intentionally traveling to stretch, learn, and grow into new ways of being and engaging with the world.” Transformational travel means we step out of our comfort zone and remove binders that keep us within a limited space […]