(8) Support for the Cuban People
This is the preferred category under which Soulful Traveling brings US citizens to Cuba. This legal category provides direct support for Cubans and we feel it contributes most to directly improve the lives of Cubans. The activities are of:
- Recognized human rights organizations;
- Independent organizations designed to promote a rapid, peaceful transition to democracy; or
- Individuals and non-governmental organizations that promote independent activity intended to strengthen civil society in Cuba.
Each traveler engages in a full-time schedule of activities that:
- Enhance contact with the Cuban people, support civil society in Cuba, or promote the Cuban people’s independence from Cuban authorities; and
- Result in meaningful interaction with individuals in Cuba.
- The traveler’s schedule of activities does not include free time or recreation over that consistent with a full-time schedule.
Note 1 to paragraph (a):
Each person relying on the general authorization in this paragraph must retain specific records related to the authorized travel transactions. See §§ 501.601 and 501.602 of this chapter for applicable recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
Staying in a room at a rented accommodation in a private Cuban residence (casa particular), eating at privately-owned Cuban restaurants (paladares), and shopping at privately-owned stores run by self-employed Cubans (cuentapropista) are examples of activities that qualify for this general license. However, to meet the requirement for a full-time schedule, a traveler must engage in additional authorized “Support for the Cuban People” activities.
Anavie, Vannetta, Norkis, and Alejandrina
Alejandrina’s home,
one of our favorite casas particulares in Viñales